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Beach items, bathroom, souvenir, linens, tableware, kitchen textiles.

Tablecloths, tea towels, plaids, pouches, made in France. Interior decoration. Adult and children aprons. Dishes, scents.

Folded towels in the form of patisserie. Designed by Prairie-Dog. Organic cotton waffle towels, dyed with plant dyes.

Blue chairs souvenir, linen and toilet blue chair. Derivatives, souvenirs around the blue chair.

\"Hand-made\" linen in Provence: aprons, cloths, place mats, bags with bread, bags with bags, doors-filters... Souvenir articles \" La Cigale du Sud \": key doors, magnets, kitbags, T-shirts, stickers. Everything is customizable on request.

Linen, cosmetics, scented candles.

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